1. What is the product name for the platform?

→ Twin Student App

2. What are the Features of Twin App?

The Twin Science student app is an integral companion to the platform, enhancing students' engagement with sustainability content aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This app offers an interactive and engaging learning experience through interactive content, gamified challenges, trivia quizzes, and creative games. It is designed to immerse students in STEAM-based sustainability topics in an enjoyable manner that sparks curiosity. With over 300 science experiments and do-it-yourself activities, Twin encourages hands-on exploration and creativity. The app seamlessly integrates with the teacher platform, enabling a holistic view of students' learning journeys. This integration yields valuable insights into learning outcomes, skill development, and areas of interest, all accessible to teachers through skill reports. These reports facilitate personalized feedback, allowing teachers to effectively guide students and collaborate with parents.

Moreover, the Twin app features step-by-step instructional videos for the projects included in the kits. Additionally, students can proudly showcase their creations and ideas to their peers by uploading images of their completed projects to the app. This communal sharing fosters a sense of community and collaborative learning as children collectively delve into project building. While not obligatory for the STEM Kits, the Twin mobile application significantly complements the hands-on kits, providing a platform to exhibit creations, exchange ideas, and further enrich the overall learning experience.

3. Do students and teachers utilize the app, or is the main purpose for students to use it?

The student app is primarily designed for students' use, aiming to provide them with an engaging and interactive platform to explore STEAM-based sustainability topics. While teachers can certainly familiarize themselves with the app's features to better guide students, its main purpose is to offer an enjoyable learning experience for students.

4. Which kits can be used with the app?

The Twin Science student app is designed to complement all Twin STEAM Kits: Robotic Art Kit, Coding Kit, Curiosity Kit, Autonomous Vehicle Kit, Aviation Kit, Robotics & Coding Kit / School Pack (Former Education Pack)

5. How are the apps and kits used together?

These kits offer a range of engaging and educational projects for students to explore. The app provides step-by-step videos of the projects from these kits, allowing students to follow along and gain a deeper understanding of the concepts. Additionally, students can upload their completed projects to the app, sharing their creations and ideas with their peers and creating a collaborative learning environment. The app enhances the learning experience of any Twin Science kit, providing valuable engagement and interactive learning opportunities.

6. Explanation of free vs. premium features